
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Dora L; Rodríguez” ,找到相关结果约274608条。
Healing Effect of the Extract of Kombucha in Male Wistar Rats  [PDF]
Manuel Rosales-Cortés, Esther Albarrán-Rodríguez, Guillermo Nolasco-Rodríguez, David Avíla-Figueroa, Raúl Leonel De Cervantes-Mireles, Rubén Rosales-Ramírez, Dora Manuela García-Carrasco
Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine (OJVM) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/ojvm.2015.54011
Abstract: In order to assess the impact of the early and late tissue repair of Kombucha extract on incised wounds in animal models, 24 Wistar male rats were used and divided into three groups: one of the groups received a topical cure on the wound with Brosin, and the other received the Kombucha extract. The third group did not receive any treatment, working as a control group. The objective was to evaluate and compare the Kombucha extract with a commercial healing product. Each one of the animals took a 1 cm wound in depth and length at a femur level on a side of the left thigh. The healing process was evaluated on an early and late phase by performing a morphometric and morphological analysis under the assumption of a faster recovery with the use of Kombucha. The results showed that there was a poor recovery in the control group. On the other hand, the other two groups, Brosin and Kombucha, were similar, with little inflammation and a high cell proliferation and migration along with basal array pulls of elastin and collagen which served for angiogenesis, repair and renovation of the new tissue.
Chemical constituents of Eisenia arbórea Areschoug from Baja California Sur, México
Arvizu,Dora L; Rodríguez,Yoloxochitl E; Hernández,Gustavo; Murillo,Jesús I;
Investigaciones marinas , 2007, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-71782007000200007
Abstract: samples of eisenia arbórea from baja california sur, méxico collected in november 2002 and march 2003 were studied. the following parameters were analyzed separately from blades and stipes: moisture, ash, mannitol, fat and crude fiber. alginate was isolated and the following quality parameters were obtained: yield (22.4-23.3%), color (> 4) and viscosity (793- 2,210 m-pa-s in 1% solution). no significant differences were obtained between two months, except for viscosity and crude fiber. significant differences were obtained when comparing blades and stipes in viscosity, mannitol, ash and fat, while for yield, moisture and crude fiber no significant differences were obtained. ftir spectroscopy showed that alginate from e. arbórea contained similar amounts of mannuroic and guluronic acids (m/g = 1)
Chemical constituents of Eisenia arbórea Areschoug from Baja California Sur, México Constituyentes químicos de Eisenia arbórea Areschoug de Baja California Sur, México
Dora L Arvizu,Yoloxochitl E Rodríguez,Gustavo Hernández,Jesús I Murillo
Investigaciones Marinas , 2007,
Abstract: Samples of Eisenia arbórea from Baja California Sur, México collected in November 2002 and March 2003 were studied. The following parameters were analyzed separately from blades and stipes: moisture, ash, mannitol, fat and crude fiber. Alginate was isolated and the following quality parameters were obtained: yield (22.4-23.3%), color (> 4) and viscosity (793- 2,210 m-Pa-s in 1% solution). No significant differences were obtained between two months, except for viscosity and crude fiber. Significant differences were obtained when comparing blades and stipes in viscosity, mannitol, ash and fat, while for yield, moisture and crude fiber no significant differences were obtained. FTIR spectroscopy showed that alginate from E. arbórea contained similar amounts of mannuroic and guluronic acids (M/G = 1) Se estudiaron muestras de Eisenia arbórea de Baja California Sur, México, recolectadas en noviembre de 2002 y marzo de 2003. Se determinaron los siguientes parámetros en lámina y estipe: humedad, cenizas, manitol, grasas y fibra cruda. Se aisló el alginato y se obtuvieron los siguientes parámetros: rendimiento (22,4-23,3%), color (> 4) y viscosidad (793-2.210 m-Pa-s en una solución al 1%). No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos meses, a excepción de la viscosidad y fibra cruda. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas al comparar los resultados entre lámina y estipe en viscosidad, manitol, cenizas y grasas, mientras que en el rendimiento, humedad y fibra cruda no hubo diferencia significativa. El espectro FTIR mostró que los alginatos de E. arbórea contenían una cantidad similar de ácidos manurónico y gulurónico (M/G = 1)
Patogenicidad del hongo Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. sobre la chinche Monalion dissimulatum distant plaga del cacaotero Teobroma Cacao L.
Rodríguez Dora A.
Acta Agronómica , 1989,
Abstract: Ensayos previos con varias especies de hongos entomopatógenos sobre la chinche Monalion dissimulatum Distant (Hem.; Miridae) dieron prioridad al patógeno Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. Se evaluaron dos cepas de B. bassiana una procedente de Metamasius hemipterus sericeus (Olivier) (Col; Curculionidae) (Bb T 011) y otra aislada de M. dissimulatum (Bb 012), a dosis crecientes de 1 x 106,2.5 X 103,5 X 103,7.5 X 103 y 1 X 109 conidias/ml. Todos los insectos tratados, independiente de su estado de desarrollo biológico, fueron susceptibles al ataque patogénico de las dos cepas. Para ambas cepas fungosas, la dosis a la cual se obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de mortalidad significativa estuvo entre 2.5 x 103 y 7.5 X 103 conidias/ml, con mortalidades que variaron entre 33.75 - 49.75 y 43.75 - 62.5 para Bb T 011, y 78.12-89.37 para Bb 012 al cabo de 10 y 15 días respectivamente. La cepa Bb 012 fue más virulenta sobre M. dissimulatum que Bb T 011. Previus test with several entomopathogenic fungus species on Monalonion dissimulatum Distant bug (Hem.; Miridae) gave priority to 1he pathogen Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. Two B. bassiana strains were evaluated: one of them comming from Metamasius hemipterus sericeus (Olivier) (Col.; Curculionidae) (Bb T 011) and the other isolated from M. dissimulatum (Bb 012), to 1 x 106,2.5 X 103,5 X 108,7.5 X 103 and 1 x 109 conidium/ml increasing dosage. All insects treated independently of its biologycal state of development were susceptibles to 1he pathogenic attack of 1he two strains. For OO1hfungis strains 1he dosage at which a higher percentage of significant mortality was obtained ranged between 2.5 x 103 and 7.5 x 1011 conidium/ml with mortality was ranged between 33.75 -49.75 and 43.75 - 62.5 for Bb T 011, 68.75 - 86.87 and 78.12- 89.37 for Bb 012 in 10 and 15 days respectivetly.
Importancia de la educación médica en el diagnóstico de la toxoplasmosis en Cuba
Ginorio Gavito,Dora Emma; Rodríguez Duque,María Victoria; Cox Iraola,Raimundo; Fonte Galindo,Luis; Rojas Rivero,Lázara;
Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical , 2003,
Abstract: the results of the national toxoplasmosis reference laboratory during 1999 and 2000 were processed and the evaluations on this topic were simultaneously analyzed among 51 professionals that attended the first national workshop held at "pedro kouri" institute of tropical medicine at that time. of 3 672 orders, 3 171 (86.3 %) did not have the reason for serology, 36.1 % had no place of origin and only 301 cases (8.1 %) were indicated the matched serum. on analyzing the main causes leading to make this test, 13.5 % corresponded to repeated abortions, which is not accepted at present as a clinical manifestation in the course of the disease. coincidentally, when some professionals were evaluated through a survey about the basic aspects related to this parasitosis, only 31.3 % were able to obtain satisfactory marks. most of the mistakes were observed in the interpretation of the laboratory results
Broncodilatadores en la crisis asmática: ?Aerosol o nebulización?
Lombardi,Dora M.; Casuso,Manuel; Rodríguez,Juan C.; Castro,Patricia; Varela,Norma M.; Morero,José L.; Rizzo,Oscar E.; Bertolot,Germán; Schiavi,Eduardo A.;
Medicina (Buenos Aires) , 2006,
Abstract: the number of patients attending our emergency department (ed) with acute asthma has increased from 3300 patient/year in 1980 to 15364 in 2003. short acting bronchodilators (albuterol/ipratropium) administered in wet nebulizations, a resource consuming procedure, were our main initial treatment in 2002. to improve treatment goals, we switched the method of bronchodilator delivery to metered dose inhalers (mdi) in 2003. the purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of this change in the bronchodilator delivery system. we compared 90 patients with acute asthma treated with mdis in december 2003 with a similar number treated with wet nebulizers in december 2002 matched for sex, age, height, and fev1 on admission. treated with mdis resulted in significant reduction of length of stay in the ed (median 3 vs 4 hs - quartiles 2-4.75 vs 1-6 hs, p=0.01) and an increase in the number of discharges in the first 2 hours of treatment (48 vs 31% p = 0.03). overall, patients in the mdi′s group received 87% of the scheduled bronchodilator doses, while patients in the wet nebulizer′s group received only 37% of the prescribed doses. although there was a trend towards better fev1 at discharge in the mdi′s group, the difference was not statistically significant (78% ± 17% vs 73% + 17% p=0.09). percentage of patients finally discharged from the ed was similar in both groups (96 vs 94%). patients treated with bronchodilators delivered by mdi improved faster and had better fulfillment of treatment standards.
Nivel de motivación en los estudiantes de licenciatura en enfermería. Primer a?o del nuevo modelo pedagógico. Curso 2006-2007
Sánchez Hernández,Deysi L; Rodríguez Lazo,Marisol; Gómez Aguado,Romeo; Boza Chang,Marisol; Jerónimo Figueroa,Dora;
Revista de Ciencias M??dicas de Pinar del R?-o , 2007,
Abstract: teaching in nursing in cuba starts before 1959, and at that time scarce material and human resources were available, these being wrongly distributed and were not accessible to most of the population. with the triumph of the revolution new programs are designed and the formation of human resources in nursing are more prioritized. considering that the pedagogical work has as one of its objectives providing the students with an appropriate formation and vocational reaffirmation, being education the process of modification and primary behavior, it's natural for it to be starting point in the formation of these professionals. that is why, in this paper we aim at assessing the level of motivation of first-year nursing students for their major. to that end, a retrospective, longitudinal study was carried out, randomly choosing a 93-student small sample out of the whole sample of 156, who were surveyed. the information was processed through the arithmetic percentage method and tabled whose results were that most students applied for their major as a first choice and stated that they applied for it out of vocation, being the subject of nursing guidelines which most helped to encourage this vocation.
Diagnóstico de distrofia muscular de Duchenne mediante análisis del ácido desoxinucleotico y su aplicación en la prevención
Rodríguez Hernández,Mayra; Ferreira Capote,Raúl; Gayol Mecías,Luis A.; Quintana Aguilar,Jorge; Rendón,Rebeca; Méndez del Castillo,Dora;
Revista Cubana de Pediatr?-a , 1996,
Abstract: a strategy is defined for the prevention in cuba of the duchenne's muscular dystrophy (dmd), one of the most frequent lethal hereditary diseases, and the feasibility of its application, and the troubles that might difficult its implantation at a national level, are evaluated. this strategy is mainly based on the need of detecting the affected families, the definition of the carrier women, or the women at risk of being carriers, and the molecular study of the members of interest with anteriority to the offering of prenatal diagnosis services by direct analysis -detection of dmd gen deletions by (pcr) polymerase chain reaction, or indirect analysis-, use of the markers called polymorphisms in the length of the restriction fragments (rflps) in ligament analysis. it is concluded that the application of this strategy is feasible and convenient, since it allows offtering a prenatal diagnosis to the 75 % of the carrier women. its efficiency in the prevention of births of new dmd ill newborns is showed in two prenatal diagnosis, one of which detected an affected pregnancy, interrupted due to the parents'solicitude.
Manejo Clínico del Oso Palmero (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) bajo Condiciones de Cautiverio en el Bioparque Los Ocarros
Dora Adriana Lombo-Rodríguez
Memorias de la Conferencia Interna en Medicina y Aprovechamiento de Fauna Silvestre, Exótica y no Convencional , 2008,
Abstract: El oso palmero (Myrmecophaga tridactyla. Linnaeus, 1758) es la única especie del género Myrmecophaga. Este mamífero se clasifica dentro del Infraorden: VERMILINGUA, Orden: XENARTHRA. Puede encontrarse en sabanas, pastizales, áreas inundadas y bosques húmedos. Geográficamente se encuentra al Norte desde Costa Rica hasta el Norte de Argentina. En Colombia en los Departamentos de Chocó, Magdalena, Orinoco, Amazonas y los Llanos Orientales....
Modeling Integrated Coastal Flood Hazard in Hurricane Season  [PDF]
Liber Galbán Rodríguez, Lázaro Rodríguez Tamayo, Fernando Durán Rodríguez, Alexis Santiago Perez Figueredo
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (GEP) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/gep.2021.910012
Abstract: The manuscript proposed a procedure designed to determine the hazard of total coastal flooding during the impact of hurricanes, which uses in its formulation the combination of river flooding and that caused by marine upwelling, which is multiplied by a density factor of the water that finds an explanation for the effect is shielding and rising of the water level when the currents of both floods collide in the coastal zone. The application of the procedure experimentally in the coastal sector Sevilla, of the municipality Guama province Santiago de Cuba, resulting in the confirmation of areas previously modeled and estimated coastal flooding in the wake of extreme weather events in the study area; in addition to other new areas that confirm the actual visual and instrumental observations not included in previous studies.

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